May 25, 2013


As a boy growing up in a Southern Baptist Church I became a part of Royal Ambassadors. Although not the same, there are similarities to the Boy Scouts of America. As a matter of fact I served a church one time that had both a BSA Troop and Royal Ambassadors and we had young men who were members of both. I never asked the BSA to recognize the work of the R.A.'s but we did accept like kind accomplishment from BSA to R.A.'s (eg. ropes, crafts, camping, etc).

One of the first things I learned was the R.A. Motto: "We are Ambassadors for Christ."

Then there was the R.A. Pledge: "As a Royal Ambassador I will do my best to become a well-informed, responsible follower of Christ; to have a Christlike concern for all people; to learn how to carry the message of Christ around the world; to work with others in sharing Christ; and to keep myself clean and healthy in mind and body."

I was a Cub Scount had many friends who were in Boy Scouts and eventually I joined the BSA. I was extremely close to attaining to the status of "Tenderfoot" which I believe was one of the first levels. I soon dropped out because I had too much on my plate and my school work was suffering so something had to go (by the direction of my parents).

As I look back over the years scouting has had a great impact on many lives. I had the privilege of being pastor to a number of Eagle Scouts and participating in their Eagle ceremony. I have had the utmost respect for scouting. However, last week scouting decided to commit suicide. They may not know it, but that one decision killed the Boy Scouts of America.

Baptist Press recently ran an article in light of BSA's recent decision on allowing gay scouts. It is worth the read. Here is the link:

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