July 26, 2006

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May they prosper who love you. (Psa 122:6 NASB)

What is going on in the Middle East today is a result for the most part of Abraham's sin with Hagar and the resulting birth of Ishmael. Isaac (Jews) and Ishmael (Arabs) have been fighting ever since.

The people of Israel are God's chosen people. He has not "unchosen" them. Even though they have rejected Him time and time again, He still calls them His own. America always honors God when she stands by Israel.

I am not writing to get into the politics of the hour. Neither am I trying to create debate over what is right and what is wrong about the situation presently. What we must do is what the Scriptures say, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

How do we do that? Good question.

If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
Let my right hand forget her cunning.
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth,
If I remember thee not;
If I set not Jerusalem Above my chiefest joy.
PSALM 122:6

Jesus wept when he heard the news of His friend Lazarus' death. The only other time in recorded Scripture that we find our LORD Jesus Christ weeping is found in The Gospel according to Luke, chapter 19, verse 41, as He beheld the City (Jerusalem),


Imagine, Our LORD 'WEEPING' over a city, that is, the City of Jerusalem.

Approximately 3,000 years ago GOD Himself chose Jerusalem, Israel as the City to place His Name there. (see: II Chronicles 6:6).

GOD The Father CHOSE Jerusalem (II Chronicles 6:6).
GOD The Son CRIED over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41).
GOD The Holy Spirit CONFIRMED His Word in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4 & Acts 2:1-5).
With these few thoughts from the Word, do you 'wonder' why we find in Psalm 122:6,



What benefit is there in so doing ? That those that love thee shall prosper.

Other links: Dr. Jerry Falwell, Are We Entering WWIII? http://sermons.trbc.org/20060723_6PM.html

July 25, 2006


My brother-in-law calls it the Best Little Island in the World, to most people it is called Jekyll Island and it is our vacation spot. After a 15 year absence we're back and with sons and grandsons, cousins and nieces and of course brothers and sisters. Biking, beaching, sleeping and eating about sums it all up. There was "Driftwood Beach," "Low Country Boil," spoons, mansions and lines at the microwave.

Doug made friends with a local shop owner while costing her a pot of coffee a day. Joe assumed Granny's hobby of reading and word puzzles (only his were numbers). The ladies did the beach thing. Joe and Natalie rode the whole island (I'm not sure Doug is convinced yet.) Phyllis and Lisa counted 160 deer on the golf course. The last I heard the deer were still laughing at how they just kept going in and out of the woods to be counted over and over again. There really were only 15 deer.

Phil and Bai came down for a few days and really enjoyed it. I believe they got bit by the Jekyll bug. They have made plans to come back again next year and bring more with them.

Oh how could I forget this...CAMERAS! Take a look!

Can't wait 'til next year. Mark your calenders for the third week in July at the Shorehouse.

July 6, 2006


So you won't blow your mind thinking I don't know how to spell "PBPGINFWMY" stands for "Please Be Patient, God Is Not Finished With Me Yet." Aren't you glad that in many ways there are still improvements to be made and that He hasn't given up on you or cast you aside?

My dad has had a love for classic cars for years. I can remember when I was about 13 he bid on and won a 40 Model Ford Sedan at an auction. I still remember helping him tow it to his shop. Shortly after the renovations began. "Back to the original" was what he had in mind. No suped up retro stuff for Billy Malcom. He would put it back like it was made originally. All Ford parts no matter how long it took.

There were a few Mustangs over the years as well as the 1955 Ford Crown Victoria that he has now. Then there is his latest: a 63 Corvair Monza Convertible. We took a ride in it the other night. The top was down and our hair was blowing in the wind. Okay, so their hair was blowing in the wind.

Jeremiah writes, "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). God is not finished with any of us. And even though the work of Christ on Calvary is finished and complete, He "is at work in (me) both to will and to work for His good pleasure."

Michaelangelo was standing before a huge rock on day with chisel and hammer in hand. Someone asked him what he was about to do with that rock. He told them he was about to sculpt at horse. They asked him how he would do that and he told them by chiseling away everything that doesn't look like a horse.

When a person enters into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ that is exactly what He begins to do. The Holy Spirit begins to chisel away everything in our lives that does not reflect or resemble the nature of Christ.

An old children's song goes something like this: "God is still working on me to make me what He wants me to be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars and Jupiter and Mars, how loving and patient He must be cause He's still working on me."