May 31, 2013


Updating a GPS can be simple or complicated, free or costly, beneficial or no help at all.  It all depends on the make, model and newness of your device.  Regardless, if you don’t update your device you run the risk of being uninformed and out of the loop of new roads and information that could be crucial in reaching your destination. 

A Global Positioning Device (GPS) is used to help navigate us from Point A to Point B and all destinations in between.  With satellite technology and supposed pin point accuracy signals bounce back and forth and “Walla” there it is on your device screen.

As a Great Commission Resource Center, the church needs to update their GPS often.  New ideas, new resources and proven methods are available to help God’s people implement the vision that God has given to assist them in completing that Acts 1:8 Challenge that has not changed.

Your Regional State Missionaries are available to assist you, resource you and come along beside to help you in any way you need to reach your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and even the remotest part of the earth.


©Harris R. Malcom

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