March 3, 2011

The Need for Mentors

One of the many blessings of my ministry has been the mentors that God has brought into my life.  Men like A. B. Hatfield, A.C. Hamilton, L.R. Whiddon and Robert Thompson are just a few of the pastors that had personal and hands on influence.  These men were patient and candid.  They allowed me to follow them around and watch them.  They gave me opportunities to exercise my spiritual gifts and hone my preaching skills. 

This brings me to an observation and the realization that MENTORS are not only needed by necessary.  None of the above were intentional mentors.  Three of them were my pastors and supervisors another was and is a friend.  They were more than anything just there for me.  On more than one occasion they would offer rather caustic suggestions that helped me avoid "messing up."  They provided constructive criticism and great encouragement.

We need pastoral mentors today.  I can remember those older pastors that attended our pastors conferences when I was a young idealistic pastor and provided encouragement, balance and perspective. We need some men who have been on the frontlines and in the trenches to have a cup of coffee with our young pastors and just listen and encourage.

I am on the backside of ministry.  That in no way means I am through, but it does mean that I hope to be an encourager or a mentor.  Timothy and Titus had their Paul as well as Barnabas.  Iron sharpens iron.  I want to be a whetstone in God's hands.