January 25, 2012

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do?

A colleague of mine preaches a sermon entitled, "What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do."  We all have been there.  Some of you may be there right now.  If you aren't you probably will be at some time.  Life has a way of putting us there.  God has a way of allowing us to be there.

I meet with pastors often that find themselves there.  Is God through with me here?  Should I prepare my resume for distribution?  Should I dig in and fight the opposition here in the church?  Should I just get out of the way?  Why is this happening to me?  Why did this happen to me?  All real questions and all questions that are being asked.

Remembering Church As I Use To Be

While making pastoral visits the other day I happened to go by a church that is meeting in the facilities of my old home church.  Although the name has changed the place is still very much the same.  Memories began to flash through my mind as I sat in the "sanctuary" with the pastor.  I sat in the vacinity where I sat on a particular Sunday evening after praying in the pastors office to receive Christ. I would make my public confession of faith that night.

January 24, 2012


When you mention the word change you can get all kinds of responses.  Someone has said that the only person that likes change is a wet baby.  The older I get the more I like things to be constant and consistent.  However, over the last few years we have experienced more change and we see more on the way. 

One change coming our way has to do with my dad.  He is the only living parent that Phyllis and I have between us. Life has been good to dad.  His health has been relatively good until the last couple of years.  He has been active and on the go.  That has changed and we find ourselves on the verge of moving closer to him to provide care.  Fortunately for us our ministry role allows us to do that.