I know that Mother's Day is still a month away, but this could not wait. For weeks now our youngest daugther (Katie) has been planning to take her mother on a surprise birthday getaway. The date and certain information has been available, but the destination was a secret until they got to the airport in Atlanta. Although we were guessing New York City, it was only a guess, but a good one, because when they arrived at the airport the boarding pass revealed the destination. So a couple hours later I received a text that they had landed.
In the weeks leading up to the trip I had told my wife not to be surprised if the other two daughters showed up. She said, "No way!" I said, "Way!" Well maybe not those exact words. No we did not know, but I know my daughers and they can plan and connive with the best. How they did it is still not certain, but that they did is for sure.
After landing the second surprise showed up in the person of Natalie (our middle daughter). When they arrived at the hotel the third surprise appeared (our oldest daughter Shauna). They had t-shirts, and they went all over NY
My brother says that NY will never be the same. Well, what does he know but I know that my wife will never be the same. She will never forget this precious gift from three precious daughters. I have never had a time that I was more proud of my girls and I have had many proud moments as a father. Thank you girls for honoring your mom in this way.
And....oh yeah...Happy Birthday, baby.
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