The most important element in the life of the church in tune with the heart of God, in line with the mission of God, and in pursuit with the will of God is seeing more and more people redeemed and forgiven by grace through Jesus Christ. I afraid that we have forgotten that as a church. The church is being basically ignored and mocked these days because...well...most churches have created a culture that suits them best and even a God that suits them best and thrown out the biblical model as well as "unintentionally" forsaking the God of the Bible.
People want a church to make them feel good and comfortable. They are looking for one that "meets their needs." When people come to church they are almost coming with a "consumer" mindset. That's okay because they are coming. However, it is not okay for us to recreate or change who God is and what He has said to make them comfortable or meet their needs. Should we be friendly and hospitable? Absolutely. Should their be an atmosphere of excitement? You bet and may I add to that EXCELLENCE for God deserves our best.
The church that is not being ignored is seeing more people becoming Christ followers, more believers growing in faith and more churches making an impact on the culture and community in which they live. People are drawn there because God is drawing them there. God is involved, because He is being honored and glorified. His will and way are more important than anything else. Fear in this church springs from a reverence of God and not wanting to offend Him rather than a fear of deacon _________ or sister _____and not wanting cross him or her. On the other hand pastor, God did not call any of us to build a kingdom, He has that well in hand...His Hand.
Too many churches today are so focused on buildings, budgets and bodies that they neglect if they even care about the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Some churches have become "keepers of the aquarium" rather than "fishers of men."
Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). LIFE...that's what people want. LIFE...that's what people are looking for. People want to live LIFE and Jesus came to give it. He has called us to LIVE out His LIFE in front of them, display a life of GRACE in their midst and "such as (we) have" give them Jesus.
Any church should be so indispensible to their community that their absence would leave such a hole that the community would cry out for their return. What would happen in your community if the church you are a part of did not exist? Would it be missed? Would it's absence be noticed? Step back and take a look. Are you making a difference?
"Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:1-2).
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