February 9, 2010

10 Years Later

On February 14, 2000 two category 3 tornados ripped through Mitchell County, GA with winds of 152 to 208 mph cutting swathes over 10 miles long and 300 yards wide.  I know because along with my wife and our youngest daughter we just made it to our "safe place" before it ripped through the living room of our house breaking windows, removing the roof and scaring us half to death.  "Hunkered down" under a mattress and with the hand of God holding it down we emerged unscathed about two minutes later to be met in the yard by a neighbor in whose home we spent the rest of the night.

At the time I was pastor of Camilla's First Baptist Church having served there since 1987.  Our two oldest daughters were students at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and our youngest was a sophmore in high school. 

Much has happened since that night.  Most of what we lost has been replaced because it was just "stuff."   There were sleepless nights, long days and much cleanup and recovery to follow.  I saw a community come together because it had to.  I saw racial lines blurred as people worked together like never before.  God did some incredible things in those days, weeks and months that followed.

Over the next 12 months much happened.  We built a new home on the old site, we saw our oldest graduate from college and gave her away in marriage seven months later.  Then God moved us to a new church field.  Today, much of it seems like a blur. 

Now ten years, two sons-in-law and four grandchildren later here we are.  Living in Americus, GA, working for the Georgia Baptist Convention after 26 years in the pastorate and have been featured in a major motion picture, "Fireproof."  We help churches grow and remain healthy.  God has given us incredible opportunities to share His love.  At the present we are serving a church as interim pastor while they search for God's man to lead them.

We knew that when we walked out of that tornado ravaged house that night that God had more for us we just did not know how much more.  We have experienced more of His love and favor, learned more about His grace and mercy and grow daily in our position in Christ.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  Praise His Holy and Glorious Name!

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