October 24, 2009

Sunbelt Ag Expo 2009

The 2009 edition of Georgia Baptist Ministries at the Sunbelt Ag Expo is in the books. This was the 10th year that we have had a presence at this Premeir Farm Show. Although some of our friends were not there due to extenuating circumstances, God showed up and changed some lives for eternities sake.
Volunteers from Bethel, Colquitt, Grady, and Mercer Baptist Associations came to help. Kyle and Alana Woodfin along with their children represented Legacy Outdoor Ministries; Barbara Waldron face painting; Marcus Flanagan (my right hand man); Andy Hall (Cousin Arthur); Mary Bradley with Disaster Relief and our friends from Campers on Mission helped us as well. Connie Blosch, Dalton and Loretta Gahman, Stephan Massey, The Toombs Family and Crossing 47 provided music. Six new converts were added to the kingdom for which we praise God. 2000 copies of the Invitation CD were distributed, countless bags of popcorn were served and our friends form Campers on Mission gave out cups of cold water in Jesus name.

Face Painting was once again a big draw (thanks Barbara and Alana). Legacy Outdoor Ministries archery exhibit had them lined up taking shots at targets. Funny thing...they had a deer with a gator head that had people with "G" on their hats lined up.

Plans are already being made for next year. We learned alot which is always good and plan on the 2010 event to be the best yet.

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