December 30, 2009

A Colorado Christmas

When our middle daughter, Natalie, suggested that instead of gifts this Christmas we take a family trip I think everyone sort of said, "What?" before agreeing it was a great idea.  So on December 28 we all met in Loveland, CO at Embassy Suites for 4 days of family fun. 

Monday night was a time of unwinding from flights and driving before climbing to 8,000 ft ABSL into the Rocky Mountain National Park for a day of sledding and snow fun.  Most of the kids and grandkids did the sledding thing while Mimi and Pops hung out in the "warming hut" babysitting.  I know...tough job, but someone has to do it.  We did make one run down the hill.

December 21, 2009

Don't Be Impressed With The Wrapping

The spring before I turned 16 my dad helped me buy my first car, a 1957 Chevrolet 210. It was a steal for the low, low price of $150. It was a project. I had great aspirations of a new paint job, upholstery, mag wheels and wide white letter tires. Dad was even buying into it.

When my birthday rolled around and I went for my drivers test, the car would not start. I think we had to replace a generator. I did drive the 57 during the summer, but I do not remember if I ever drove it to school. If I did it was not for long. As fall rolled around my dad came home one day with another car, a 1964 Chevrolet Impala 2 door coupe. It was awesome. There was one problem. Although it was great to look at, it had internal problems. It leaked oil. I think in the 8-10 months that I owned the car I might have driven it for a total of 6 weeks. It was in and out of the shop.

December 19, 2009

A Cushman for Christmas?

As a kid Christmas was always an adventure.  My dad is the ultimate Santa Claus.  He had as much fun surprising us as he did being surprised himself.  Dad owned and operated a small engine business in Monroe, GA.  When Christmas rolled around each year bicycles, motor scooters and go carts were the main goods that were targeted for Christmas gifts in his shop. 

I don't know how many of you remember the Cushman motor scooter (not motor cycle), but he sold a boat load of them during my childhood.  If you lived in Monroe, GA in the 60's and you were named Adcock,Brown, Malcom or Peters there is a good chance that you owned a Cushman at some time. The picture in this blog is of one that he has reaquired and refurbished in recent years. He sold this scooter originally and found it years later.  Many of my friends and contemporaries had a Cushman growing up.  I never owned one, I just road what he had at the shop.

The Cushman in the picture is of a Silver Eagle. I look a whole lot better on it now than then. I remember a day when it was hard to hold a Super Eagle up. Most Christmas gifts in those days were outside toys. Today's toys keep kids inside and entertained. Oh for the good ol'days.

December 18, 2009

7 Days til Christmas

Wonder what Joseph and Mary were doing one week before the first Christmas?  Regardless of when the actual date of the birth of Christ was there was one week until...  The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem was about 80 miles and probably took about a week.  If that's the case they were probably just beginning the trip.  Since everyone was required to return to their birth place they were not alone on the trip, but with Mary's condition it would be safe to assume that they did not keep pace with those they set out with. 

I wonder how Joseph was doing leading up to being a new dad?  For that matter, I wonder how Mary was doing with the situation.  Needless to say, Mary was probably handling it much better than Joseph.  As they walked, they talked (remember they weren't married yet).  I'll probably pay for that. 

Joseph had visions of his son taking over in the furniture business (even without sonograms they knew Jesus would be a boy, because God, who cannot lie told them).  Think about it, Mary was the one of two mothera of her day that knew the sex of her child before birth.  John (born to her cousin Elisabeth) would be the other.  Mary even knew her child's name.  Elisabeth would have had Zacharias not been so stubborn.

December 10, 2009

Let It Go!

The following is by T. D. Jakes...and it is good advice. Read it all.

Let it go for 2009

By T. D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.

And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

December 7, 2009

Merry Christmas (and I ain't fraid to say it!!!)

Liberal groups are in full press mode once again this year when it comes to CHRISTmas.  Scriptures truth comes to light when it says "in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Cor. 4:4).  Some of these are smart people, some of these people have PhD's, others are successful in this world and others are just deceived as the rest are. 

I was listening to CHRISTIAN radio this morning and John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute was being interviewed and he cited a number of cases involving school districts, public and private business, municipalities and other entities where people are being falsely informed as to their rights regarding speaking the phrase "Merry Christmas" or displaying CHRISTMAS trees or wearing clothing that celebrates our LORD JESUS' birth. 

Visit their website at to view "Twelve Rules of Christmas" compiled by their attorney's.

It is important for us to know our rights as citizens of this great nation. People use fear and ignorance to keep us quiet.

November 21, 2009


I am so thankful for the grace and mercy of God shown to me in the full atonement of Jesus Christ.  To think that Holy God sent His only Son into this world to pay the penalty for my sin by becoming sin for me/us that He might declare me righteous.  I rejoice with the songwriter who wrote, "What wondrous love is this o my soul...?"

I am thankful for my family.  Parents who stayed together, loved each other, loved my brother and I and loved the Lord.  For grandparents and great-grandparents that lived long lives that enabled my brother and I to have them around for a long time.  For three godly girls that love the Lord God with all their hearts, souls and minds.  For two sons-in-law who love two of my daughters and grandchildren.  For the blessing of 4 grandchildren that bring so much joy into our lives. For friends and a bunch of them that add so much to my life. For three churches that have allowed me the privilege of serving as their pastor. 

Then last, but not in any part the least there is the love of my life, my sweetheart, my sugarbabe and life precious wife of 36 years, Phyllis.  She loves me for who I am, like I am and as I am.  She encourages me, completes me, prays for me, challenges me and blesses me. 

"Thank you Lord for saving my soul, thank you Lord for making me whole, thank you Lord for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free."  When I count my blessings and name them one by one I am suprised at what the Lord has done.

November 17, 2009

Skype Brings Back Memory of the Jetsons

Remember the Jetsons...George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, Rosey the Robot, Astro the dog and Mr. Spacely? They flew around in their spaceship, cooked in their advanced kitchen and oh yeah, talked on their video phones. I used to think, yeah right a phone you talk on while you see the person you are talking to. How other worldly is that?

Welcome to the world of Skype. Welcome to George Jetson's world. We are here...imagine that. Wild isn't it?

I was "skyping" with my grandchildren the other night. What a trip. Our youngest grandson, Asher, is intriqued. His grandad is still pretty stoked about it too. Not only do we have cell phones where Hawaii is local, but now we can video phone, Jetsons style.  Our family will be scattered Thanksgiving, but we will not only talk but see each other.

Communication in our world is changing everyday.  I have a Blackberry. My office is wherever I am.  My secretary can reach me anywhere, anytime and anyplace.  I may not can answer because of being in a meeting, but I really never miss a message intended to get to me.

Yet with all of the advancements in communication in our world, God's method of communication has not changed.  His Word and Prayer remain as the way that God speaks to us and we speak to Him.  Be it a "still small voice," "a word behind us," circumstances, or another believer God communicates His will to those who "can hear Him now."

His invitation to "call on" Him so that He can show us great and mighty things is still on the table.  His promise to answer those who ask, seek and knock still stands.  Therefore, let's go boldly before the throne of grace.  Let's call on Him regularly and often. He has so much to show us and most of it is about Himself.

October 24, 2009

Sunbelt Ag Expo 2009

The 2009 edition of Georgia Baptist Ministries at the Sunbelt Ag Expo is in the books. This was the 10th year that we have had a presence at this Premeir Farm Show. Although some of our friends were not there due to extenuating circumstances, God showed up and changed some lives for eternities sake.
Volunteers from Bethel, Colquitt, Grady, and Mercer Baptist Associations came to help. Kyle and Alana Woodfin along with their children represented Legacy Outdoor Ministries; Barbara Waldron face painting; Marcus Flanagan (my right hand man); Andy Hall (Cousin Arthur); Mary Bradley with Disaster Relief and our friends from Campers on Mission helped us as well. Connie Blosch, Dalton and Loretta Gahman, Stephan Massey, The Toombs Family and Crossing 47 provided music. Six new converts were added to the kingdom for which we praise God. 2000 copies of the Invitation CD were distributed, countless bags of popcorn were served and our friends form Campers on Mission gave out cups of cold water in Jesus name.

Face Painting was once again a big draw (thanks Barbara and Alana). Legacy Outdoor Ministries archery exhibit had them lined up taking shots at targets. Funny thing...they had a deer with a gator head that had people with "G" on their hats lined up.

Plans are already being made for next year. We learned alot which is always good and plan on the 2010 event to be the best yet.

October 14, 2009

Interim Ministry

Sunday, October 11 we began an interim ministry at Central Baptist Church in Albany, GA. This is a first for us in ministry. It is our desire to have God use us to pass the baton of a stronger church to the next pastor. Tonight is our first Adult Bible Study. Holiness is what I long for. Peter writes, "it is written, You shall be holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16).

October 5, 2009

Elijah's 6th

Over the weekend, Phyllis and I flew to Springfield, MO for our oldest grandson's 6th birthday. Also, as a part of the trip was to assist our children in their move to an apartment. They have sold their house in preparation for their move to San Francisco in June 2010 to plant EPIC Church.

Elijah is a typical six year old. He enjoys school (he's a kindergartner...what's not to like). This year his interest is Star War's. Helped him build his new Lego's Death Star. Oh, and he loves to wrestle with his brothers and his dad. What a trip.

Here's some more pictures.

September 11, 2009

FBC Plant City, Florida

It was my privilege to be with and share with the wonderful people of First Baptist Church,Plant City, Florida. Pastor Michael Lewis,a native Georgian, was a gracious host. I had the joy of serving with him for a short time on the SBC Executive Committee. He has served FBC for just three short months, coming from Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, Texas. In those brief months they have seen over 100 people come to Christ. Recently they had their first F.A.I.T.H. outreach visitation and saw over 200 people go on visits and 6 people come to Christ the first night.

I had the privilege of speaking to over 300 public service personnel on the eve of the 8th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America. It was a great honor that I will not long forget. In addition I will not forget the hospitality of Pastor Lewis and the wonderful people of 1st Plant City.

September 6, 2009

Am I or Am I Not A Senior Adult?

Depending on where I shop or dine these days, I may or may not be a senior adult. Some places don't ask, they just look at the white hair and think, "man he's old. He has to be a senior adult." Yet, there are places that you have to be 65 and produce an id to qualify. That's discrimination isn't it?

Oh, well, I appreciate all the discounts I can get but there is one discount I don't want. I don't want to be discounted as an old sour "stuck in the mud" by the youth at church. I want to make a difference. I want to be "relevant." I want to be admired and respected by those younger than myself like some of my heroes of days gone by.

I don't want to be one that complains about "their" music or clothes, or hair or "worship style." I want to be their biggest cheerleader. I want to be an encourager. I want them to want to be like me when they grow up. I think you know what I mean?

Bob Roberts in his book, Multiplying Church writes, "Old men and women play a crucial role in the future church; it isn’t to hold on to the forms, but to hold on to a personal Jesus movement in their hearts so that young people can say of old people, “Oh man, I want to know Jesus like they know Jesus.” It is not, “I want to do church like they do church.” The only way that will work is for old folks to pour themselves into young hearts and mentor and love them so much that they would die for them."

In my roll as a church specialist I visit a great number of churches of all sizes. At 56 I visit some churches where I am among the youngest. I don't think I need to point out that there is not much future unless they change. Problem is they don't see it.

I can spot those when I walk in and as I preach who are turf protectors rather than tillers of new soil Those who thirst for living water are a blessing, while the stagnant waters of the dead sea can kill a movement of God in a heartbeat.

If I start to sour someone please throw some sugar my way.

August 15, 2009

Ella Reese Strickland

On Thursday, August 13, Ella Reese Strickland came into our lives. The first addition to our youngest daughters family, she became our fourth grandchild. Matthew and Katie will make great parents. Although they have much to learn Ella will put them on the fast track in short time. Phyllis and I have watched as technology makes it possible to communicate one's arrival. Moments after Ella's birth word spread to Monroe, Winder, Cumming, Americus, Albany and Camilla. It made it's way to Springfield, MO, Louisville, KY and Reston, VA. Katie's sisters in Springfield and Louisville, have met Ella through Skype. You can't hold her but see her. Her cousins have got to see her from a distance and she has had a constant flow of visitors.
I know that just like Elijah, Sam and Asher she will bring much joy to Mimi and Pops and all that she comes in contact with. Here are a few pictures from her first days.

August 13, 2009

San Francisco - Epic Church

I just returned from San Francisco. My son-in-law, Ben Pilgreen, along with our oldest daughter (and our three grandsons) will be moving to SF June 2010 to plant Epic Church in the Mission Bay/South Beach area of the city. Around 20 minstry leaders from across the country that are (or are considering partnering with them spent three days touring, praying and dialoging about what God would do in this wide open US city.
Only about 2% of the population attend any church. NAMB and other local church planters from the area joined us on occasion to offer encouragement and strategy input.
On Tuesday afternoon we prayer walked the area around AT&T Park. This is the home to the MLB Baseball Giants. It stands in the center of the focus area. As I walked around the area I could not get Chris Tomlin's song "The God of this City" out of my mind. I believe that God is going to do incredible things there.

God has blessed Epic church with a great leader and a great team. At least 4 other families are packing up next June to move to the Bay Area with Ben and Shauna to provide leadership. Stay tuned for some great stories in years to come.

July 13, 2009

Fireproof Cast Together Again

The 2009 Freedom Festival was another opportunity for some of the cast from Fireproof to reunite. We were there to meet the fans and sign some autographs. So many people came by to visit with us. We were honored to meet so many wonderful people. The highlight of the night however were the 55 first time decisions for Christ. Praise the Lord.

In this picture: Erin Bethea,Harris Malcom, Phyllis Malcom, Jason McLeod, Perr Revell, Faye Sharber, Dwan Williams, Renata Williams and Eric Young.

Fairhaven Retreat

Recently, Phyllis and I had the opportunity to be with Allen and Lisa Atkins and the deacons and wives of Fairhaven Baptist Church from Demopolis, AL. We met Allen a couple of years ago at the Refresh Conference at Sherwood. The retreat took place at Lay Lake the home of Alabama's State 4-H encampment.

We had a great time, but most importantly, God had a great time. It was evident in the way He worked in hearts and lives over the weekend. I believe that the Spirit of God is going to do some great things at Fairhaven. If the hearts of the people will follow the hearts of their leaders who are following the heart of God revival will come.

May 29, 2009


The Bible says that "children are a gift from the Lord." Not only is that truth, but also true. In addition I have heard it said that "grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children." Although we never considered murder, we are enjoying three wonderful grandsons and awaiting the arrival of our first granddaughter.
Elijah, Samuel and Asher Pilgreen live in Springfield, MO (for the moment). They will be moving with their mom and dad to San Francisco, CA in June 2010 to plant a new church. We don't get to see them often so we have to be creative. Our most recent visit was enroute to lead a marriage retreat in Harrison, ARK. Proximity allowed us to stop in Springfield for a day and a half to love and spoil da boyz.
Their dad is presently teaching pastor at Second Baptist Church in Springfield. Mom (our oldest daughter) is a writer and stay at home mom.


Two of our daughters have reached new horizons in their educational pursuits. Katie recently graduated with her masters in childhood education from Brenau University. Natalie completed the requirements for her masters in missiology from The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY.
Of course we are very proud of them and their desire to please God with their lives. Katie continues to teach in the Hall County School system. She is also pregnant with her first child. She and Matthew await the arrival of Ella Reese Strickland scheduled to arrive around mid-August.
Natalie waits on the Lord for the next step. She will continue to live in Louisville where she has established roots for a while.
Our oldest daughter, Shauna, has not been pursuing academic degrees, but she is involved in writing her first book. Although there is not much I can say about it at the time we are hopeful that a national publisher will think as much of it as we do.

May 9, 2009

After All These Years

Friday, May 8, 2009 I graduated from Truett-McConnell College. I started there in the fall of 1971 (it just takes some of us longer than others!). Along with Phyllis we were greated by Mike Simoneaux, Daniel Moosbrugger and Edna Holcombe. A few weeks ago after speaking in chapel, Phyllis and I had lunch with Daniel and his wife Robbie. He asked me when I graduated and I told him that I had not, but had transferred to another school for my 4 year degree. Truett was a Junior College back then. Daniel Moosbrugger is a catalyst. He gets things done. He is going to be a tremendous asset to TMC.
He told me to get him a transcript which I did. In a few short days he and Mike Simoneaux had "done the academic thing" and transferred a couple of courses back in and now I have an associates degree in business. Who would have "thunk" it. Well it was not anything I would have thought about, but will always be something I will treasure.
Truett will always have a special place in my heart. Phyllis and I met there over 36 years ago. It is where our story starts. God has blessed us in so many ways and Truett is that place where God brought us together.
It is the second time in my life when I have received a degree the same year that one of our girls did as well. Over the next two weekends both Katie and Natalie will receive Master's degrees. Not too many people get a Batchelor's, Masters and Doctor's degree and then an Associate, but hey, what a story to tell the grandkids.

April 21, 2009

Thunder over Louisville

Following our trip to Truett Phyllis and I flew to Louisville, KY where we were the guests of the Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg. Their faith and family forum is an annual event for the community. I was the keynote speaker. Following a time of praise and worship led by "Poor Man's Riches" I had the opportunity to share the gospel.

The next day we visited Frankfort (Kentucky's capital) and the grave of Daniel Boone.

Then it was on to Louisville and our daughter Natalie for a pre-Kentucky Derby event called Thunder over Louisville. 52 tons of fireworks are shot in a 30 minute period with approximately 4000 lbs coming in the last 30 seconds.

Joined by our nephew Michael Bagwell and Natalies friends James and Heather Knowles we were among a huge crowd gathered by the Ohio River.

It was quite a night.

April 17, 2009

Truett McConnell: Alma Mater

It was the fall of 1971 and I was off to college. Truett McConnell, a Baptist School in the N. GA moutains was small and a good fit for me. Long time friendships were begun there. Life decisions were made there. And best of all I met my partner for life there.

As I look back over the years the decision to attend TMC was one of the best of my life. The little school has struggled for most of it's existence, but I believe that it's best years are ahead. I believe that in a few short years it will be mentioned along with schools like Liberty University, Union University and Mobile College. It is a great place to call Alma Mater and a great place to send students.

Phyllis and I had the opportunity to return to TMC in April of this year and speak in chapel. It was one of the highest honors of my life and ministry. I told Phyllis at breakfast that morning that there was one other time that I was more nervous than the morning of chapel and that was the day I preached my first sermon.

Just a few weeks earlier, Dr. Emir Caner was inagurated as the eighth president of the institution which is now a four-year college. Dr. Caner is already making his mark and placing his thumbprint on our school. Yet I see a more wonderful thing happening as God is placing His entire hand on TMC.

I pray that God will bless Emir and Hanna along with their three children: John Mark, Daniela, and Anna.

May our God do exceedingly abundant above all that we can ask or think.

January 30, 2009

National Release of Fireproof on DVD

Christian Supply in Spartanburg, SC was the site of the national release of the Fireproof DVD. Over 500 people waited in line for autographs and pictures with the writers and cast from the blockbuster movie. Chuck Wallington and his tremendous staff played host for the evening.

I had the privilege along with Erin Bethea, Ken Bevel, Steven Kendrick, Jim McBride, and Jason McLeod to respresent the Fireproof cast. Young and old, firefighters and Sunday School teachers were there in numbers. Two former college classmates from Truett McConnell College class of 1973 came out. I had not seen them in over 30 years. We all agreed that we look a little different these days.

The trip home on Tuesday included stops at LifeWay Christian stores in Buford and Columbus as well as Family Christian Store in Duluth. I am still amazed at what God is doing. Not surprised so much because He is God and can do anything, but constantly amazed at the stories and changed lives. His grace still amazes me. Praise be to our mighty God.

January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008 has come and gone. This was a unique year for us in that our immediate family was together Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for the first time in a number of years. It was a great blessing that you cannot take for granted as time passes and your children grow up and begin their own lives. We are excited for what God is doing in their lives and that of their families.

Our oldest daughter Shauna and her husband Ben now live in Missouri. They were home with Elijah, Samuel and Asher. Shauna was able to stay a few extra days aloing with the boys while Ben had to fly home to preach the last Sunday in December.

Natalie our middle daughter was home from Louisville, KY where she is beginning her last semester at Southern Seminary. She was able to stay a few days before returning home. She is in the middle of J-term, an intense week where an entire semester is condensed into one week. She will be going to Niger this spring.

Katie and her husband Matthew were down from Gainesville. Katie surprised us with the news that they will be having their first child in August 09. This means grandchild number 4. It just gets better. We praise God "from whom all blessings flow."

Papa Malcom came down from Monroe in his classic '55 Ford Crown Victoria. He has spent every Christmas Eve with us in Americus since mom died in 2002. He anticipates this time of year just like a child.

Following Christmas we went to Atlanta to be with Phyllis' extended family. Katie played host and Uncle Doug, Aunt Lisa (cousins' Bella and Emily), Uncle Phil, Bai and (cousins' Tim and James) and a friend of Bai's from Laos, La. We caught up, looked at old pictures and had a wonderful time together.