Drs. Tom Nettles and Russ Moore have written a great book entitled "Why I Am A Baptist." Not the first book by this title, but extremely timely. I run into Baptists often that do not have a clue as to why they are Baptist. It is a great question to ask and ponder.
Someone once said, "I a Baptist born and Baptist bred and when I die I will be Baptist dead!" Well, I am proud to be a Baptist. I am Baptist by choice, but I am a Christian by the grace of God. More important than being Baptist is being saved, because it is extremely obvious that you can be Baptist without being saved. I know people that convince me of that every week.
I had the great fortune of being born to Christian parents who were both Christian and Baptist. Therefore I was raised in a Baptist home and furthermore church. I was in "cradle roll" or so I am told. I was a Sunbeam, Royal Ambassador and participated in Bible Drills. I attended Baptist schools and my education was paid for in large part by the Cooperative Program. (I will not take time in this blog entry to discuss the Cooperative Program, but it is by far the best vehicle for financing Kingdom Work that I know of).
There came a time, however, where I made my choice to remain Baptist, be Baptist and promote Baptist work around the world.
There are 3 Reasons why I am Baptist.
1. Because of who we are DOCTRINALLY
We believe in the Word of God, the Son of God, the Spirit of God, the Plan of God and both the finished work of God on the cross, the sanctifying work of God in the believer and the continuing work of God in the world.
2. Because of who we are MISSIOLOGICALLY
God had one Son and He was a missionary. 3 John 7-8 says, "For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, so that they may be fellow workers with the truth."
We believe that the Great Commission commands us to go, the Great Commandment commands us to love and that the only way to satisfy both is to GO and GIVE and GIVE and GO!.
3. Because of who we are EVANGELISTICALLY
Not only does the Great Commission command us to go, it commands us to Make Disciples. We live in a world that grows more lost every minute. Lostness comes in all shapes, sizes, nationalities and persuasions. But lost is LOST! Baptists have always held high the banner of evangelism and preached Jesus...for Jesus Saves!
Baptists stand firm and "contend for the faith once delivered to the saints," and I for one am glad to be counted among my brethren.
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