Within our great state of Georgia we have 3600 Georgia Baptist churches. Approximately 1300 of those churches are led by bi-vocational pastors (they are also referred to as multi-vocational, tent-makers or partly funded pastors). These are ministers who supplement their income by working outside the church to support their family and ministry.
They are plumbers, electricians, schoolteachers and bankers. They are business owners, employers and employees. They have certificates, diplomas, and degrees. They work long hours, drive miles to and from work and then minister to their flock. I personally know cabinet makers, system managers and school teachers who also pastor.
Our mission board data base lists them as bi-vocational, part-time and even volunteer. I can only assume that "volunteer" means that some of these servants of God take no pay from their church.
My wife and I just spent a weekend at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove with many of these choice servants. They face the same struggles, deal with the same issues and serve the same Jesus as "fully funded" pastors. One thing these servants of God have in common with any other ministers of the gospel - they are CALLED. The majority of these men pastor churches of 150 members or less. Many of them less than that.
From conversations with many of these their biggest struggle is TIME and their greatest need is RESOURCES. Time with family. Time for study. Time for ministry. Their members get sick, have surgery and deal with problems just like any other church family. After working a 40 hour (or more) week they preach 2 to 3 times. This means in addition to their secular work schedule they still need time for sermon preparation and the prayer cover that goes with that preparation.
Under the leadership of Thomas Hammond the Georgia Baptist Mission Board is launching out with new marching orders. "PASTORS ARE OUR HEROES, CHURCHES ARE. OUR PRIORITY AND GEORGIA IS OUR MISSION FIELD." In this sense it gives new meaning to PASTORS ARE OUR HEROES. These guys really are my HEROES. It is truly a joy to know them and serve them.