Jesus was leaving Judea heading to Galilee and “He had to pass through Samaria.” It was the custom of Jews to avoid Samaria whenever possible “for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.”
I can only imagine the scene when Jesus and His disciples reached that fork in the road and without hesitation Jesus didn’t misstep but headed straight for the border of Samaria. Yet His disciples stopped in their tracks almost repelled and repulsed at the idea of taking another step in that direction. Apparently, they eventually followed for we learn later they “had gone away into the city to buy food.”
Church revitalization and Reaching the Next Generation requires that we go to Judea, Samaria and Galilee. It requires a “must needs go”passion in our hearts to reach that one, to love that one, to care for that one and to share our story with that one.
We must decide whether we will meet that one to offer living water or continually go into the city to buy food to meet our own needs. The church exists to go into the world not to have our holy huddles, not to maintain the status quo or even to conform to past traditions. The church exists for the one who has not heard. The church is the most vital part of a community.
· When we are obedient there can be that joyous experience of hearing one say, “Sir give me this water, so I will not be thirsty….”
· When we are obedient we will have the experience of that one going out and inviting their friends saying, “Come see a man.”
· When we are obedient “many more” will believe “because of His Word.”
Pray for a “must needs go”passion in your own heart.