March 10, 2015


Definition: the power to change or affect someone or something: the power
to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen: a person or thing
that affects someone or something in an important way.

All of us have influence.  We have influence over some things and some
people.  That influence can be positive or negative.  We influence people
through leading, conversing and relating.

Influence is a powerful tool if used properly. Today people are influenced by
friends, athletes, politics, ads, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterist.  People listen
to talk radio and watch late night TV.  Influence is hot, diverse and divisive.
Where does your influence lie?  Who listens when you speak?  Who values
your opinion, lifestyle and choices?  You may not think you have influence,
but you are wrong.  You have some influence and much more than you
think.  You are also influence by others to some degree.

Every day we influence others.  That influence can be positive or negative.
The person at church who is always putting down their pastor has a negative
influence on those who listen to them.  The person who is supportive has a
positive influence.

Influence is not “all-powerful”, but it is out there and it does have an effect.
The Apostle Paul in Romans 16 sends greetings to a long list of friends in
that church.  These were his brothers and sisters in Christ and people he had
influenced and I’m sure vice versa.  I am particularly intrigued with “Rufus”
in verse 13.  There is great reason to believe that this is the same Rufus,
son of Simon of Cyrene who carried the Lord’s cross to Calvary.  Imagine the
impact that Simon’s influence had on his son growing up in that house.  Paul
calls him “a choice man in the Lord.”