December 30, 2009

A Colorado Christmas

When our middle daughter, Natalie, suggested that instead of gifts this Christmas we take a family trip I think everyone sort of said, "What?" before agreeing it was a great idea.  So on December 28 we all met in Loveland, CO at Embassy Suites for 4 days of family fun. 

Monday night was a time of unwinding from flights and driving before climbing to 8,000 ft ABSL into the Rocky Mountain National Park for a day of sledding and snow fun.  Most of the kids and grandkids did the sledding thing while Mimi and Pops hung out in the "warming hut" babysitting.  I know...tough job, but someone has to do it.  We did make one run down the hill.

December 21, 2009

Don't Be Impressed With The Wrapping

The spring before I turned 16 my dad helped me buy my first car, a 1957 Chevrolet 210. It was a steal for the low, low price of $150. It was a project. I had great aspirations of a new paint job, upholstery, mag wheels and wide white letter tires. Dad was even buying into it.

When my birthday rolled around and I went for my drivers test, the car would not start. I think we had to replace a generator. I did drive the 57 during the summer, but I do not remember if I ever drove it to school. If I did it was not for long. As fall rolled around my dad came home one day with another car, a 1964 Chevrolet Impala 2 door coupe. It was awesome. There was one problem. Although it was great to look at, it had internal problems. It leaked oil. I think in the 8-10 months that I owned the car I might have driven it for a total of 6 weeks. It was in and out of the shop.

December 19, 2009

A Cushman for Christmas?

As a kid Christmas was always an adventure.  My dad is the ultimate Santa Claus.  He had as much fun surprising us as he did being surprised himself.  Dad owned and operated a small engine business in Monroe, GA.  When Christmas rolled around each year bicycles, motor scooters and go carts were the main goods that were targeted for Christmas gifts in his shop. 

I don't know how many of you remember the Cushman motor scooter (not motor cycle), but he sold a boat load of them during my childhood.  If you lived in Monroe, GA in the 60's and you were named Adcock,Brown, Malcom or Peters there is a good chance that you owned a Cushman at some time. The picture in this blog is of one that he has reaquired and refurbished in recent years. He sold this scooter originally and found it years later.  Many of my friends and contemporaries had a Cushman growing up.  I never owned one, I just road what he had at the shop.

The Cushman in the picture is of a Silver Eagle. I look a whole lot better on it now than then. I remember a day when it was hard to hold a Super Eagle up. Most Christmas gifts in those days were outside toys. Today's toys keep kids inside and entertained. Oh for the good ol'days.

December 18, 2009

7 Days til Christmas

Wonder what Joseph and Mary were doing one week before the first Christmas?  Regardless of when the actual date of the birth of Christ was there was one week until...  The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem was about 80 miles and probably took about a week.  If that's the case they were probably just beginning the trip.  Since everyone was required to return to their birth place they were not alone on the trip, but with Mary's condition it would be safe to assume that they did not keep pace with those they set out with. 

I wonder how Joseph was doing leading up to being a new dad?  For that matter, I wonder how Mary was doing with the situation.  Needless to say, Mary was probably handling it much better than Joseph.  As they walked, they talked (remember they weren't married yet).  I'll probably pay for that. 

Joseph had visions of his son taking over in the furniture business (even without sonograms they knew Jesus would be a boy, because God, who cannot lie told them).  Think about it, Mary was the one of two mothera of her day that knew the sex of her child before birth.  John (born to her cousin Elisabeth) would be the other.  Mary even knew her child's name.  Elisabeth would have had Zacharias not been so stubborn.

December 10, 2009

Let It Go!

The following is by T. D. Jakes...and it is good advice. Read it all.

Let it go for 2009

By T. D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.

And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

December 7, 2009

Merry Christmas (and I ain't fraid to say it!!!)

Liberal groups are in full press mode once again this year when it comes to CHRISTmas.  Scriptures truth comes to light when it says "in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Cor. 4:4).  Some of these are smart people, some of these people have PhD's, others are successful in this world and others are just deceived as the rest are. 

I was listening to CHRISTIAN radio this morning and John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute was being interviewed and he cited a number of cases involving school districts, public and private business, municipalities and other entities where people are being falsely informed as to their rights regarding speaking the phrase "Merry Christmas" or displaying CHRISTMAS trees or wearing clothing that celebrates our LORD JESUS' birth. 

Visit their website at to view "Twelve Rules of Christmas" compiled by their attorney's.

It is important for us to know our rights as citizens of this great nation. People use fear and ignorance to keep us quiet.