I did not know Perry Goad, Ric Mason or Martha Fuller. I have never traveled a Honduran road, though I know many who have. On Tuesday, February 6 the three were killed-- when their truck tumbled off a rugged, remote mountain road and into a ravine during a weeklong mission trip to Honduras. "They were doing the work of God when death came," said Don Hattaway, Goad and Mason's pastor. Yes they were.
I read an article this morning in the AJC. It was a story of a meeting between a couple headed for the Super Bowl with Honduran (and glory) bound Goad. Some would call it a chance encounter, others divine. I'll let you figure out my take. Goad owned a heating and air conditioning company, but took time off to serve as a volunteer missionary from his church. Les and Kim Kuykendall were from Alpharetta on their way to a big football game when they met at Hartsfield International Airport and sat together on the plane.
The AJC writer spoke of how this encounter changed the Kuykendall's "outlook on life." They spoke of the peace of Goad and how he had no fear for his life in this country outside of American soil. The Kuykendall's eventually contacted Goad's family after they heard the news. My prayer is that it will change more than their outlook, but their entire lives.
None of us are promised tomorrow, nor do we know what tomorrow holds. We do however have the promise that God is Sovereign and in complete control. Nothing takes Him by surprise.
Check out the related link: http://www.christianindex.org/2977.article
February 12, 2007
February 5, 2007
The Cross Is Offensive!

Can you believe it? You probably can!
Although offensive, there is nothing more welcoming than the cross. The Bible says that “(God) is not willing that any perish, but all come to repentance.”
The cross beckons all to come. As a matter of fact if one is ever to be free they must come by the way of the cross or not at all.
Paul writes, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor. 1:18)
The Cross is Offensive. It is offensive today. It was offensive in Jesus' day. It was an instrument of execution. It was the equivilent of our electric chair.
I love the gospel song, "It’s Still the Cross."
It's not conservative or liberal, however they're defined;
It's not about interpretation, Or the judgment of the mind;
It's the opposite of politics, power or prestige;
It's about a simple message, and whether we believe.
It's still the cross, It's still the blood of Calvary;
That cleanses sins, and sets the captives free.
It's still the name, The name of Jesus, That has power to save the lost;
It's still the cross.
We can water down theology, and preach a word to suit our needs;
We can justify sweet subtle lies, That are wrapped in noble deeds;
We can alter our convictions, To adapt to social whims;
But we cannot change the gospel, Or the truth contained within.
It's still the cross, It's still the blood of Calvary;
That cleanses sins, and sets the captives free.
It's still the name, the name of Jesus,That has power to save the lost;
It's still the cross.
Though some may say it's man's religion,Or ancient history;
The cross of Jesus still remains,The price for sin that sets us free.
It's still the cross, it's still the blood of Calvary;
That cleanses sins, and sets the captives free.
It's still the name, the name of Jesus,That has power to save the lost;
It's still the cross.It's still the cross it's still the cross.
The cross made the difference for me and you.
C.H. SPURGEON wrote, "If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows the Lord's will but does not mean to attend to it, you are not to pamper his presumption, but it is your duty to assure him that he is not saved. Do not suppose that the Gospel is magnified or God glorified by going to the worldlings and telling them that they may be saved at this moment by simply accepting Christ as their Savior, while they are wedded to their idols, and their hearts are still in love with sin. If I do so I tell them a lie, pervert the Gospel , insult Christ, and turn the grace of God into lasciviousness."
Here are some related scripture and links to research.
Acts 17:16-32; 1 Cor. 1:17-25
February 1, 2007
The Christian Index: A Must Read For Every Georgia Baptist
Every Georgia Baptist needs the Christian Index. If you want to know what's going on in Georgia Baptist life read the most recent issue, find a back issue or go online to www.christianindex.org. Dr. Gerald Harris and his investigative reporting staff keep us informed and abreast of the life and times of Georgia Baptists. Stay abreast of the mission field, colleges and universities as well as our seminaries. Read interesting articles by James Dobson, Gerald Harris and J. Robert White.
What's more it's a bargain. Subscriptions are available individually and through the church subscription plan. In addition, churches can have editions delivered in bulk right to the church to distribute as desired. For instance, 50 issues (delivered every two weeks) at a cost of $300 a year; or 100 issues (delivered every two weeks) at a cost of $600 a year. We could go on in multiples of 50 and you can do the math. Place them in Sunday School classes, new member /visitor packets or use on visitation. Bottom line make sure the Georgia Baptists that make up your particular flock know what's going on in our churches, our denomination and the world at large.
You need the Christian Index. Call Kim Griffin at 770-936-5590. Hey you can even advertise your business in the Christian Index. But on thing you can count on is that the Christian Index will adverstise the Good News of Jesus Christ.
What's more it's a bargain. Subscriptions are available individually and through the church subscription plan. In addition, churches can have editions delivered in bulk right to the church to distribute as desired. For instance, 50 issues (delivered every two weeks) at a cost of $300 a year; or 100 issues (delivered every two weeks) at a cost of $600 a year. We could go on in multiples of 50 and you can do the math. Place them in Sunday School classes, new member /visitor packets or use on visitation. Bottom line make sure the Georgia Baptists that make up your particular flock know what's going on in our churches, our denomination and the world at large.
You need the Christian Index. Call Kim Griffin at 770-936-5590. Hey you can even advertise your business in the Christian Index. But on thing you can count on is that the Christian Index will adverstise the Good News of Jesus Christ.
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