Remember the Jetsons...George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, Rosey the Robot, Astro the dog and Mr. Spacely? They flew around in their spaceship, cooked in their advanced kitchen and oh yeah, talked on their video phones. I used to think, yeah right a phone you talk on while you see the person you are talking to. How other worldly is that?
Welcome to the world of Skype. Welcome to George Jetson's world. We are here...imagine that. Wild isn't it?
I was "skyping" with my grandchildren the other night. What a trip. Our youngest grandson, Asher, is intriqued. His grandad is still pretty stoked about it too. Not only do we have cell phones where Hawaii is local, but now we can video phone, Jetsons style. Our family will be scattered Thanksgiving, but we will not only talk but see each other.
Communication in our world is changing everyday. I have a Blackberry. My office is wherever I am. My secretary can reach me anywhere, anytime and anyplace. I may not can answer because of being in a meeting, but I really never miss a message intended to get to me.
Yet with all of the advancements in communication in our world, God's method of communication has not changed. His Word and Prayer remain as the way that God speaks to us and we speak to Him. Be it a "still small voice," "a word behind us," circumstances, or another believer God communicates His will to those who "can hear Him now."
His invitation to "call on" Him so that He can show us great and mighty things is still on the table. His promise to answer those who ask, seek and knock still stands. Therefore, let's go boldly before the throne of grace. Let's call on Him regularly and often. He has so much to show us and most of it is about Himself.