The Bible says that "children are a gift from the Lord." Not only is that truth, but also true. In addition I have heard it said that "grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children." Although we never considered murder, we are enjoying three wonderful grandsons and awaiting the arrival of our first granddaughter.
Elijah, Samuel and Asher Pilgreen live in Springfield, MO (for the moment). They will be moving with their mom and dad to San Francisco, CA in June 2010 to plant a new church. We don't get to see them often so we have to be creative. Our most recent visit was enroute to lead a marriage retreat in Harrison, ARK. Proximity allowed us to stop in Springfield for a day and a half to love and spoil da boyz.
Their dad is presently teaching pastor at Second Baptist Church in Springfield. Mom (our oldest daughter) is a writer and stay at home mom.